4/11/2014 2:00pm Partly Cloudy 60°F
firs, madrones, and cedar trees all tucked closely together in the Madrona walking trail. I look forward to learning more about the trees and all the other plants of my observation site and for the deeper understanding of the ecology in this little natural forrest. Hold on… I think I just heard another eaglet in a tree in the opposite direction of the other one! I can't be sure at the moment. I have yet to miss the mother eagle of the first eaglet and seeing two would be truly incredible. I am also watching a crow work diligently building a new in the big leaf maple across the path. One builds as the other stands watch (or is just lazily watching!). I also noticed more fungi today. I can't yet tell if it is all the same species but most of it has the tendency to stick out the side of logs kind of like a step up or a little saucer that flew into a slab of wood. I have begun to feel a deeper level of comfort and familiarity here. I have also found that hearing man made contraptions, such as cars, boats, and airplanes, is really annoying and the bustle and noise of the natural forrest is much more charming to my ears and mind.
Crow building nest |
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