5/12/14 64*F Light Showers
It feels so good. Soft to the touch and soft to the smell. Soft to this space.
It catches the fallen pieces of the forest. It captures the essence of this place.
The smell represents where we are and all that is good in this world.
Funny how something so beautiful is found so low to the ground. So near my feet. So near the earth.
It holds the forest floor closely.
So closely that I would sooner tear a child from her mother than to tear this life from it's source.
(the Moss)
(the Moss)
I regard him as an individual
I refuse to lose him to the masses. I refuse to dismiss his dark beauty as common
I celebrate his song.
I admire his wisdom. He and his ancestors have survived the unspeakable.
Yet still he flies
He soars in as a warrior for his family. He protects and guides.
He looks me square in the eye, greets me with a song
As I encounter my equal, I am humbled.
(the American Crow)
(the American Crow)
As far as we know, this life form
is immortal
(the Douglas fir)
(the Douglas fir)
I have always known that this is one of the more beautiful places in the world. That sounds good from a distance but it rains too damn much and if you lived here you would feel differently. I don't get to enjoy the beauty because it rains too much! Every trail and natural area is too far for me to travel. The PNW is beautiful but depressing. Today I am just in awe of our particular landscape. The islands, the ocean, the sound, the mountains, the conifers, and the wildlife are so unique and I am so happy to call this region home. I used to believe that we didn't have much wildlife because it rained so much. I know now that we have an abundance of species to explore and it really doesn't even rain that damn much!
I am becoming intimate with the Madrona Woods. I realized this when I brought my partner to the site and noticed a different yet powerful connection with my site that I didn't have with my intimate partner. I feel welcomed back by nature each time I walk in. I feel a part of the earth as I observe the changes over time. I have come to know nature as an open door friend. It didn't matter how I was feeling throughout this project. Some days I would slowly enter wide eyed and excited to be there. Some days I would trudge in just wanting to get it over with. Some days I would be in a hurry because I had other things to do and places to be. The welcome was always the same and the ease that would come over me as I became more and more immersed in the greenery was the same. The peace would always flood in at the same time with the same power. I found a love for my natural area that I have experienced before. I loved watching it grow...little by little with each visit. I loved the unexpected...never knowing what I was going to see or do when I arrived. I loved the individual relationship…this was something that was just mine and that I didn't need to share with anyone else. I loved the beauty…the inexplicable beauty.